Ruby Training & Events
CodeMash - Sandusky, United States
happened 5 years ago
CodeMash is a unique event that will educate developers on current practices, methodologies, and technology trends in a variety of platforms and development languages such as Java, .NET, Ruby, Python and PHP.
ChicagoRuby: Elmhurst - How Do I Build... ? - Chicago, United States
happened 7 years ago
Organised by - Chicago Ruby on Rails
The "How Do I Build...?" format is somewhere between a hack night and a presentation.The key question: "How do I build [X] in Ruby or Rails?" We might talk about the best shopping cart or calendar or whatever for Rails. We might talk about the best way to do database maintenance with Ruby, or the best tools for organizing Ruby or Rails development.Every ChicagoRuby member is invited to drive.
Engine Yard Distill - Treasure Island, San Francisco, United States
happened 7 years ago
Organised by Engine Yard
Distill is a developer conference devoted to the exploration of best practices, new technologies and progressive methods on the rise in software development, from app architecture and UX to testing and security and more. Along with stellar content, attendees will have an unforgettable time picnicking, playing games and enjoying local delicacies and libations.
ChicagoRuby: Elmhurst - How Do I Build... ? - Chicago, United States
happened 7 years ago
Organised by - Chicago Ruby on Rails
The "How Do I Build...?" format is somewhere between a hack night and a presentation.The key question: "How do I build [X] in Ruby or Rails?" We might talk about the best shopping cart or calendar or whatever for Rails. We might talk about the best way to do database maintenance with Ruby, or the best tools for organizing Ruby or Rails development.Every ChicagoRuby member is invited to drive.
In the Driver's Seat: How MSpec and BDD Will Make You a Better Programmer - New York, United States
happened 7 years ago
Organised by New York ALT.NET Group
SummaryBehavior driven development has been around for a long time. With the help of Dave Chelimsky (RSpec) it's been fully embraced in the Ruby community. As a long time Ruby developer I learned how BDD helps create expressive specs that lead to high quality software. I've since learned how to harness these practices and apply them to .NET development.
Kansas City Developer Conference - Kansas City, United States
happened 7 years ago
The Kansas City Developer Conference a Kansas City based non-profit, is pleased to announce our 5th annual event. The event is scheduled for the May 3-4 2013 with a full day pre-compiler on May 2nd. KCDC13 will be held at Bartle Hall in downtown Kansas City.
Pam Beck Speaks @ NCSU - Raleigh, United States
happened 7 years ago
Organised by Culture and Cuisine Meetup
April Meeting at the NC State University Faculty Club7:00 PM REFRESHMENTS: Snacks & cold drinks are provided7:30 PM PROGRAM:"Best Garden Plants in North Carolina" is the topic of Pam Beck at the regular Gardeners of Wake County meeting Tuesday April 16 at J.C Raulston Arboretum. See more about Pam Beck at www.PamBeckGardens.comAs always, folks will bring "Bragging Rights" plants to share with others, with first choice going to our esteemed visitors at the meeting end.
In The Brain of Michael Feathers - Functional Pipeline Design in Ruby - London, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Skills Matter
IMPORTANT - Skills Matter will be managing registrations - You must sign up here! - are extremely excited to announce we will be welcoming Michael C. Feathers to Skills Matter for an evening talk on February 26th on 'Functional Pipeline Design in Ruby
DCRUG: Monthly Meetup - Washington, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by DC Ruby Users Group
Our meetings are open to all experience levels, from total novices to expert Rubyists.Current agenda: *TBDWe now meet monthly at Logik's new headquaters, now located at 1400 I (Eye) Street NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20005. The closest Metro stop is McPherson Square.
Future of Ruby: 2.0, JRuby - Grand Rapids, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The Michigan Ruby Users Group (Grand Rapids)
An Overview of Ruby 2.0 ? Chris GaffneyJRuby - Jack Slingerland
Hack Night - Raleigh, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The Raleigh-area Ruby Brigade (raleigh.rb)
This is a completely open, free-form, "just show up with a laptop (or a friend with a laptop) and hack on some Ruby" meeting. There's no agenda, and there's sure to be a great mix of coding and shooting the breeze about all things geeky, including our favorite language. Nathaniel will be showing up around 6 to grab something to eat and start hacking, and we'll do quick introductions around 6:30, but feel free to drop in whenever you can. See you there!
Miami Ruby Brigade - Miami, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Miami Ruby Brigade
Continuous Deployment with PuppetRuby isn't just for web applications: you can use it to configure and maintain all kinds of servers using Puppet. Join us as Moses Hernandez talks about the trials, successes, and basics of using Puppet to control your infrastructure.
ChicagoRuby: Elmhurst - How Do I Build... ? - Chicago, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by - Chicago Ruby on Rails
The "How Do I Build...?" format is somewhere between a hack night and a presentation.The key question: "How do I build [X] in Ruby or Rails?" We might talk about the best shopping cart or calendar or whatever for Rails. We might talk about the best way to do database maintenance with Ruby, or the best tools for organizing Ruby or Rails development.Every ChicagoRuby member is invited to drive.
Madison Area Software Developers Meetup Group Monthly Meetup - Madison, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Madison Area Software Developers Meetup Group
Come and share your experiences as a software developer in the Madison area. We have self-employed, contractors, work-from-home, entrepreneurs, code monkeys, web monkeys, java monkeys, database monkeys, pixel monkeys, you name it. Looking for a job? We have people looking for programmers too.Things we've discussed are previous meetings:* the latest web technologies* scripting languages such as Ruby and Python* compiled languages such as Java, C#, and C++* source control
LA Ruby / Ruby on Rails Monthly Meetup - Los Angeles, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The Los Angeles Ruby/Rails Meetup Group
This month's meetup will be held at .We do not yet have a food sponsor or a venue. Please contact Alf Mikula or JR Fent if you have a location for a meetup of at least 50-60 people or are interested in sponsoring food.Schedule7:00 – 7:15 Open7:15 – 7:30 Introductions7:30 – 9:00 Presentations9:00 – 10:00 Open / NetworkingPresentationsWe need presentations for this meetup!
January DCRUG: Client Side MVC w/ Backbone and Rails + Election Results on Rails - Washington, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by DC Ruby Users Group
Our meetings are open to all experience levels, from total novices to expert Rubyists.Current agenda: *"Client Side MVC with Backbone and Rails" by Tom Zeng - We will do live coding to build a client side MVC app from scratch using Backbone and Rails and also look at some alternatives like Sencha Touch, Ember, Spine, and Angular. *"Election Results on Rails" by Jacob Harris - For the past three elections, the New York Times has served election result from Rails applications.
Book Club: Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby - San Francisco, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The San Francisco Ruby Meetup Group
Note: Please change your RSVP to 'No' if you can not commit to attending. This helps your fellow attendees, those waitlisted, the organizers and venue hosts, prepare time, energy, food, etc. accordingly. Thanks.BookPractical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby (POODR!)by Sandi Metz get a 35% discount off the list price through this book's publisher, Addison-Wesley, with discount code USERGROUP.Agenda6:30 -- Doors Open!6:45 -- Intros!7:00 -- Discuss!
ChicagoRuby: Downtown - Objective-C vs. RubyMotion - Chicago, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by - Chicago Ruby on Rails
Objective-C vs. RubyMotionFrom its introduction in May 2012, RubyMotion has seemed like a dream come true. Finally, Rubyists can build real, native iPhone and iPad apps from the comfort of their favorite editor, without the pain and hassle of using (or even learning) the Objective-C language or Apple's Xcode IDE.
The Rails View: The Junk Drawer Grows Up - Raleigh, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The Raleigh-area Ruby Brigade (raleigh.rb)
John Athayde, one of the authors of "The Rails View: Create a Beautiful and Maintainable User Experience," will be speaking at our January meetup.Are your Ruby on Rails views suffering from cluttered code? Have they become a tangled web of HTML, logic, and who-knows-what-else?We've reached a quite a bit of consensus on what makes clean code in our Ruby projects. However, there's not as much agreement on how to structure your Rails views.
ChicagoRuby: Elmhurst - How Do I Build... ? - Chicago, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by - Chicago Ruby on Rails
The "How Do I Build...?" format is somewhere between a hack night and a presentation.The key question: "How do I build [X] in Ruby or Rails?" We might talk about the best shopping cart or calendar or whatever for Rails. We might talk about the best way to do database maintenance with Ruby, or the best tools for organizing Ruby or Rails development.Every ChicagoRuby member is invited to drive.
Ruby AI & Hypermedia APIs - Baltimore, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by B'more on Rails
Just in time for the holiday season: *An Architecture for Artificial General Intelligence written in Ruby 20 minutes ? Bryant Cruse *Hypermedia APIs 20 minutes ? Eric Oestrich
Gojko Adzic's BDD for Developers - Two day course - London, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Leading developer, architect and author of "Bridging the Communication Gap" and "Specification by Example" Gojko Adzic, will be delivering a two-day hands-on BDD for Developers course, helping you gain the skills you need to apply the ideas and practices of BDD to solve real-world problems. Through a combination of simulations and practical hands-on exercises, you will learn how to apply the ideas of feature injection and effect maps to derive the right scope from business goals.
ChicagoRuby: Elmhurst - How Do I Build...? - Chicago, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by - Chicago Ruby on Rails
The "How Do I Build...?" format is somewhere between a hack night and a presentation.The key question: "How do I build [X] in Ruby or Rails?"We might talk about the best shopping cart or calendar or whatever for Rails.We might talk about the best way to do database maintenance with Ruby, or the best tools for organizing Ruby or Rails development.Every ChicagoRuby member is invited to drive!
Book Club: PragProg Ch5-8 ! - San Francisco, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The San Francisco Ruby Meetup Group
BookThe Pragmatic Programmer -- with a Ruby/Rails twist!by Andrew Hunt, David ThomasChapters 5-8-Bend, or Break-While You are Coding-Before the Project-Pragmatic ProjectsAgenda6:45 -- Intros7:00 -- Discuss!Please fill out this survey to help select our future books: Ruby Book Club is an effort to form a technical book club.Each book will be related to Ruby, Rails, or we will apply a Ruby/Rails focus to a more general programming book.
Your New Favorite Gems - Baltimore, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by B'more on Rails
About the Talk: Some of my new favorite gems: Strongbox, Sidekiq, Puma, etc. 20 minutesAbout the Speaker: Mike Subelsky is a Baltimore-based entrepreneur, programmer, and devops guy. His tools of choice are Ruby and JavaScript but he considers himself a jack-of-all-trades. In 2007, he co-founded a web startup called, which was just acquired by ReturnPath. Currently, he is pursuing new as-yet-unannounced ventures (he promises "something new and very cool
London Ruby User Group : LRUG November Meetup - London, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Join us at Skills Matter on November 12th for two talks at this month's LRUG. We have talks by Andrew Nesbitt on 'An introduction to Rubymotion' and Khash Sajadi on 'Background processing in Ruby (and Rails)' An introduction to Rubymotion: Writing iOS apps with Ruby Rubymotion lets you write native iOS apps in Ruby, this talk explores the toolkit and the community that has sprung up around it. Background processing in Ruby (and Rails)
November DCRUG: Stripe + TBD - Washington, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by DC Ruby Users Group
Our meetings are open to all experience levels, from total novices to expert Rubyists.Current agenda: *"Stripe: $how Me the Money" by Lisa Schaefer, Ph.D. - Hello! Clients are merely a means to a paycheck for Jerry Maguire. But when we dump the greedy gateways & put customers needs first, we finally get Shown the Money. Stripe is a payment gateway created especially for startup developers to allow customers to seamlessly purchase products and services.
Ruby on Beer Monthly Meeting - Boulder, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Boulder Ruby on Beer
Come join us for an evening of programming in Ruby and Rails.We'll have plenty of beer and food to fuel our hacking, discussions and social activities.
ChicagoRuby: Downtown - Building APIs With the Faceted Gem - Chicago, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by - Chicago Ruby on Rails
Rails as a framework is famous for helping you get your application up and running quickly, but the very paradigms that make it so easy at the start can lead to maintenance nightmares down the road. Successful applications grow rapidly larger, more complex, and harder to extend and maintain.One way to approach refactoring a monolithic application is dividing it up into a series of smaller applications that organize the work of the system through internal APIs.
Regular monthly meetup - , Australia
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Sydney Mobile Development Meetup Group
The meetings are held either in the Pool room or the Ruby lounge, which are both off the Kippax lounge, upstairs at the Aurora Hotel.
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