Web Services Training & Events in Europe
In The Brain of Chris Dornan: Fun and Profit with Stongly-Typed Data Schemas - London, United Kingdom
happened 7 years ago
Organised by Skills Matter
Do you want your business applications to become more flexible and adaptable? Then join Chris Dornan who will be presenting the work of Duncan Coutts, Adam Gundry and Alfredo Di Napoli based on ideas around Haskell and REST APIs.
Ian Robinson and Jim Webber's Neo4j Tutorial - London, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Graph databases like Neo4j are an esoteric and powerful member of the NOSQL family. For highly connected data, graph databases can be thousands of times faster than relational databases, making Neo4j popular for managing complex data across many domains from finance to social, and telecoms to geospatial. Ian Robinson and Jim Webber's intensive Neo4J tutorial provides a mixture of theory and hands-on practical sessions to demonstrate the capabilities of graph data and the Neo4j database.
Bert Ertman's Transactional Programming using EJB 3.1 - London, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Java EE 6 is a greatly simplified programming model and it now has all the ingredients that make for a successful lightweight component based implementation. At last a decent implementation of a server-side component framework as part of the Java EE specification! No longer are you dependent on non-standard, proprietary, frameworks such as the Spring framework.
Software Architect 2012 - London, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Bearpark Publishing Ltd
A two-day technical conference with optional pre- and post-conference workshops, featuring leading speakers like Neal Ford, Allen Holub, Simon Brown and Kevlin Henney on a wide range of topics including agile architecture, design patterns, continuous delivery, emergent design, architecting asynchronous apps, and more.
GOTO Amsterdam 2012 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Trifork & Dutchworks
International Software Development Conference
Áprilisi JavaScript meetup - Budapest, Hungary
happened 8 years ago
Organised by budapest.js - JavaScript Hungary Meetup
Neumark Péter: Egy CoffeeScript shell a webenAki fejlesztett már REST szolgáltatásokat felhasználó webalkalmazást az tudja, hogy elég nehézkés tud lenni a debugolás JavaScriptből.A DuctTape egy böngészőben futó parancssoros környezet, amimegkönnyítheti a fejlesztés/tesztelés/üzemeltetés során felmerülőfeladatokat.Azok is hasznát vehetik, akik csak most ismerkednek a CoffeeScripttel.
Links, forms and unicorns - Creating a better ReST Client - Edinburgh, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Scottish Developers
The TalkSebastien Lambla will be talking about creating a better ReST Client, starting at 19:30 on Thursday 19th January 2012Hypermedia is the most powerful aspect of the web, a tried and tested technology that lets you link things with other things. This session will follow a secret agent travel across Europe, showing how links and forms can make any secret agent a much better ReST client.The Speaker
Heroku Hackday - Berlin, Germany
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Graph Database - Berlin
With the Neo4j Add-On going public beta next week, I'd like to do a hackday providing sample apps with Neo4j in all supported languages as a complete github repository. That means we would hack on Ruby, Python, Node.js, Java, Scala, Clojure PHP apps using their REST driver support for Neo4j server. E.g. neography, architect4r, py2neo, neo4js, rest-graphdb, neo4jPHP, bulbflow, neo4j-scala-template, clojure-neo4j-rest. Either we will align on a app + dataset (e.g. movie-db related)
November Meetup - Dublin, Ireland
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Dublin Alt.NET
Many websites claim to be RESTful when they use a pretty URL structure. ASP.NET MVC makes it very easy to set up a website with pretty URLs and return web pages or JSON. But REST is more than simply keeping your site structure clean and returning JSON. This session will go through some simple changes that makes it possible for a an ASP.NET MVC site to make it observe RESTful principles making it accessible both as web site and a web service.
Ian Robinson and Jim Webber's Neo4j Tutorial - London, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Neo4j experts and Neo4j user group organisers, Ian Robinson and Jim Webber, bring their intensive two-day Neo4j tutorial to Skills Matter.Delivered this November by Jim Webber, the Neo4J tutorial provides a mixture of theory and hands-on practical sessions to demonstrate the capabilities of graph data and the Neo4j database.You will learn: *NOSQL and Graph Database overview *Neo4j Fundamentals and Architecture *The Neo4j tool chain *The Neo4j Core API *Indexing
Software Architect 2011 - London, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Bearpark Publishing Ltd
A technical conference for software architects, with four days of in-depth workshops and sessions on on agile OO design, pragmatic .NET architecture, design patterns, mobile application development, user interface architecture, HTML5, emergent design, REST, event-driven systems, distributed agile development, flow-orientation, M-V-VM, agile database design, and much more.
Introduction to AWS Cloud - London, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Amazon Web Services
Attend this event to hear a high level overview and introduction to Amazon Web Services (AWS). Since 2006, Amazon Web Services have been providing on demand, pay-as-you-go infrastructure to businesses of all sizes. We'll discuss how organisations can make use of Amazon's massive scale and operational experience to build highly scalable businesses and move to market more quickly.
Get up to speed after vacation - Malmö, Sweden
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The Öresund ExtJS Meetup
Please let us know if you have any topics you need to know more about or if you want to show the rest of the group you awesome code.I think there will be much to talk about regarding ExtJS 4 now when it has been in the wild for a while.
In The Brain of Matthew Baxter-Reynolds, XML documents over REST interfaces - London, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Developers today are being challenged by the business’ needs to deliver the same mobile application to multiple platforms.Matthew Baxter-Reynolds presents an “In the Brain” session about one particular area of multimobile development, namely how to construct, transmit and read XML documents over REST interfaces. During the session we’ll primarily be looking at the different XML and HTTP libraries available on iOS and Android, with Windows Phone 7 thrown in for bonus interest.
Neo4J User Group: Neo4j 1.4 and Cypher - London, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Neo4j 1.4 has just been released and it's chock full of new features for seasoned users and novices alike. At this meetup we'll cover new features like auto-indexing, paged graph traversal and batch-orientation in the REST API. We'll also dive a little deeper, revisiting the Doctor Who dataset and use the new Neo4j query language called "Cypher" to explore the universe in a humane, DBA-friendly manner.
Amazon Cloud: Tech Summit for Developers and Architects - Berlin, Germany
happened 9 years ago
Attend this half-day event and gain in-depth knowledge of key technical concepts such as running applications and databases using Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS offers a set of simple building block web services that together form a reliable, scalable, and inexpensive computing platform “in the cloud”. During the event, customers will present on their use cases and experiences with AWS.
Robert Schneider's Mission Critical Service Testing Using soapUI Pro - London, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Robert D. Schneider, senior consultant and trainer. He has provided distributed computing, database optimization, and other technical expertise to a wide variety of enterprises in the financial, technology, and government sectors, and author of six books and numerous articles on advanced technical topics such as Cloud Computing, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), open source, and relational database design/optimization.
63. spotkanie KGD.NET - Kraków, Poland
happened 9 years ago
Organised by KGD.NET
Podczas 63. spotkania odbędą się następujące prezentację:Szymon Pobiega - WCF Web APIs: REST in the shade of WCFTomasz Wiśniewski - OData: Dzielmy się danymi!Szymon Pobiega - WCF Web APIs: REST in the shade of WCFSzymon pracuje w polskim oddziale firmy Infusion. Zwolennik lekkich metodyk tworzenia oprogramowania. Wielki fan dzielenia się kodem z innymi. Uzależniony od github-a. Jeden z liderów Krakowskiej Grupy Developerów .NET. Autor (zaniedbanego ostatnio)
Amazon Web Services Tech Summit for Developers and Architects - London, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by LJC - London Java Community
AWS Tech Summit for Developers and ArchitectsPlease note this is an event organised and run by Amazon Web Services. They have asked us to assist with promoting the event, if you are interested please sign up to at this link: | this half-day event and gain in-depth knowledge of key technical concepts such as running applications and databases using Amazon Web Services (AWS)
AWS Tech Summit for Developers and Architects - London, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Graduate Development Community
Please note this is an event organised and run by Amazon Web Services. They have asked us to assist with promoting the event, if you are interested please sign up to at this link: this half-day event and gain in-depth knowledge of key technical concepts such as running applications and databases using Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS offers a set of simple building block web services that together form a reliable, scalable, and inexpensive computing platform “in the cloud
February Get-Together - Paris, France
happened 10 years ago
Organised by The Media & Internet Professionals
Dear Members, Friends and Colleagues,By popular demand – and also because it has been written in the stars for a while, – our next Afterwork Apéro will be held in the warm elegant lounge of l’Hôtel d’Aubusson.Many of you have fallen in love with this venue. A handful of you even fell asleep on the Persian rug in front of the room’s fireplace, the last time we were there in November – only to wake up at dawn the next day in a befuddled stupor. “The organizers put something in our drinks!
Spring UG Meetup on REST made easy with Spring - London, United Kingdom
happened 10 years ago
This talk will show you steps to make any web application RESTful easily using Spring 3 MVC support. Step by step talk with demo examples, illustrating how to: * develop REST web app using different Http methods with Spring * negotiate REST content types - HTML, XML, JSON * convert Java objects to JSON, and write JSON objects to servlet response * accept requests containing JSON objects Attendance is free for registered participants. You can register here
FREE TALK: In The Brain of Brian Sletten - Groovy and the Semantic Web - London, United Kingdom
happened 10 years ago
The Semantic Web is Tim Berners-Lee's full vision of what the Web can and will be. Webs of linked data will allow us unprecedented flexibility in how we produce and consume information. While many people have been waiting on the sideline for the Semantic Web to get here, others have been making it happen. Groovy raises the bar on what is possible with Semantic Technologies on the JVM. A rich dynamic language that interacts with a rich dynamic data model is all kinds of cool.
Brian Sletten's Semantic Web Technologies Bootcamp - London, United Kingdom
happened 10 years ago
Liberal-arts educated software engineer, system architect, developer, mentor, trainer, President of Bosatsu Consulting (/), and all-round 21st Century Renaissance man, Brian Sletten visits the Skills Matter eXchange for a comprehensive, 5-day course on Semantic Web Technologies.
Daniel Sikar's Amazon Web Services EC2 S3 Workshop - London, United Kingdom
happened 10 years ago
In this 1 day Amazon Web Services workshop, Daniel Sikar, fearless cyclist and expert on Amazon Web Services, will give you a step-by-step introduction to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Simple Storage Service (S3) and the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cornerstones. All setup procedures and practical work will be carried out on your own portable device to allow for AWS continued and future use.
Webit Expo & Conferences 2010 - Sofia, Bulgaria
happened 10 years ago
Webit is the Central and Eastern European best attended and biggest annual digital / internet industry event, attracting over 6000 visitors and tens of exhibitors. Meet more than 6000 marketing, business, advertising, media, e-commerce professionals from Turkey, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Macedonia and rest of CEE region. Webit is the easiest way to find your suppliers.
Hacking, Coding, Beer, Coffee, Laptops and Friends - Cambridge, United Kingdom
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Cambridge .NET Developer's User Group
Hi all,If you missed the chance to register for the TedEx hackathon (and just discovered that it's full) then why not join a bunch of passionate lunatic coders at the Tram Depot on Saturday morning for some hacking, coding, beer, coffee... laptops and friends.
Developing Mobile Applications with Android - London EC1V 7DP, United Kingdom
happened 10 years ago
Organised by OpenSource & Agile Community Events
This course provides a fast track to applications development with Android; the exciting new open source platform for mobile wireless devices. Extensive, hands-on practical exercises are included throughout. Developers first learn about Android fundamentals followed by the development tools and user interface that make this Linux based platform unique. Here you will see how easy it is to start developing and testing Android applications.
An evening of open discourse - London, United Kingdom
happened 10 years ago
We'd like to welcome you to an open self organising evening of discourse around open source, open data and open APIs. We've lined up a world class panel and we're looking forward to some enthusiastic discussion and lively debate! Agenda: * Doors open at 5.30pm for networking over tea and coffee * Debate and questions start at 6.
PHPNW April 2010 - Manchester, United Kingdom
happened 10 years ago
This month we have a talk by Melanie Lewis on Web Services for Consumer Devices. A web service is an API provided by a site that allows a remote application to access data and use functionality without having to 'act like a web browser'. Consumer devices, such as a smart phone, set top box or games console, often do not have a form factor that allows the easy use of an interactive web site but do allow the download of custom applications which use web services provided by such sites.
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