Tutorials & Articles
Debugging Javascript with Firebug
by Dan MaharryIn this extract from the book JavaScript & Query: The Missing Manual, David Sawyer McFarland demonstrates how to use Firebug to identify and fix three types of errors: syntax, runtime and logic.
An Introduction To F# Agents
by Tomas PetricekIn this article, Tomas Petricek looks at how F# Agents lie at the intersection of parallel, asynchronous and concurrent programming styles and how they can be used to build concurrent applications
Memory Ordering for Atomic Operations in C++0x
by Dan MaharryThe operation that writes a value happens before an operation that reads that value. With the default atomic operations that’s indeed true (which is why this is the default), but it does need spelling out: the atomic operations also have other options for the ordering requirements. In this article, based on chapter 5 of C++ Concurrency in Action, author Anthony Williams discusses the memory-ordering tags used for atomic operations and how they relate to the synchronizes-with relation.
Taking the Single Responsibility Principle Seriously
by Ralf WestphalIn this article Ralf Westphal invesigates the Single Responsibility Principle, what it means in real-world scenarios and how that may translate into code
Apt Windows: Let’s Get Chocolatey!
by Rob ReynoldsIn the first of two parts, Rob Reynolds introduces chocolately, an application package manager similar to apt-get built on Powershell and nuGet
The HTML5 History API and ASP.NET MVC
by Dan MaharryThe HTML 5 History API is one of the newer kids on the HTML 5 block. This article based on chapter 4 of HTML5 for .NET Developers shows you one way of getting history integrated with your .NET server-side web applications.
An Introduction To Practical AOP Using PostSharp
by Brady GasterIn this article, Brady Gaster introduces the concept of Aspect Oriented Programming and how it can reduce code smells in your work. He uses PostSharp to refactor out logging, timing, transaction and GUI update code into separate and automatically executing Aspects
Making Tables More Accessible With HTML5
by Dan MaharryFor those who are visually challenged and depend on technology such as screen readers to translate the Web from a visual to an aural experience, tables represent a significant challenge. This extract from HTML5 24 Hour Trainer looks at a number of additional tags and attributes that can make tables and their content more accessible to all.
Testing In An Agile World: The Heart Of A Developer
by Malcolm AndersonIn this article, Malcolm Anderson looks at the roles of developer and tester in a classic team scenario and how a tester’s role and mindset, as well as a developer’s and manager’s to the tester, must evolve to fit effectively within an agile development team.
An Introduction To FSharpx
by Dan MohlDan Mohl introduces FSharpx, a community-driven, open source set of extensions for the F# language
An Ultra Opportunity?
by J. Scott HarrisonJ. Scott Harrison looks at the new Intel Ultrabooks and the opportunities Intel has opened up for developers with Ultrabooks
Web Testing with MbUnit and WatiN Part 3: Testing Asynchronous AJAX Calls
by Yann TrevinConcluding his look at combining MbUnit and Watin to produce clean web integration tests, Yann Trevin looks at testing asynchronous calls
Pattern Matching in F# Part 2 : Active Patterns
by Jessica KerrIn part two of this series, Jessica Kerr looks at creating active patterns. These are functions to transform, recognize, and categorize custom types for use with the F# pattern matcher.
Constructors in C++11
by Dan MaharryThe new C++ standard has slowly been set and is now upon us. In this excerpt from Professional C++ 2e, the authors look at the existing ways to write constructor methods and the additional ones newly defined in C++11
Massive Data Parallelism on the GPU with Microsoft's C++ AMP (Accelerated Massive Parallelism)
by Yossi LevanoniC++ AMP architect Yossi Levanoni discusses and demonstrates the need for Microsoft's new Accelerated Massive Parallelism specification.
Pattern Matching in F# Part 1 : Out of the Box
by Jessica KerrIn the first of a two part series, Jessica Kerr examines and demonstrates the powerful built-in pattern matching functionality in F# and reveals there's a lot more to it than a C# switch statement or a regular expression
Using NuGet Packages
by Dan MaharryNuGet is a Visual Studio extension that makes it easy to pull in libraries, components, and most importantly their configuration into your visual studio project. In this article, based on chapter 5 of ASP.NET MVC 3 in Action, the authors discuss NuGet and show you how to use it to add functionality to a project.
Evolution in the Intel ecosystem
by Patricia F. MironWhy do we use the word ‘ecosystem’ to talk about the community around a particular technology?
The Universal Application and You – Pipe Dream to Reality
by Paulo RosadoPaulo Rosado discusses the concepts of a universal application : one set of application functionality that supports EVERY platform
Web Testing with MbUnit and WatiN Part 2: Controlling Localhost and IIS Express
by Yann TrevinOne important aspect of web testing which is not so often discussed in blogs or articles is how to run tests against a web project running in debug mode on the local host. Microsoft provides two options to let you debug web projects locally: the Visual Studio development server and IIS Express. In this second part of our series on writing web integration tests, we’re going to demonstrate how to use the WebTestServer<T> class to start either server from within a running test suite.