jQuery Training & Events
Single Page Applications - Javascript - ThinkAddict Monthly Meetup - Stockton, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Think Addict Group
Since I've spend the last several months using Javascript 100%, I've got a new appreciation for it. I figure I will share with the group some of the things that have blown my mind.We will be looking at several different javascript libraries for our app. The goal is to end up with a single app that adapts automatically to mobile, tablet, or web and has loosely coupled, modular and easily maintainable code.Here is an overview of some of the libraries:- jQuery- Twitter Bootstrap
An introduction to backbone.js - Bristol, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Southville JS
jQuery is great, isn't it?Up to a point. Google Web Toolkit may not have been the silver bullet but your sites will and are behaving more like native apps.jQuery and friends don't offer any real structure out of the box, so we have a new breed of MV* type frameworks to fill the gap.Welcome backbone.js and Rick Hurst of Potato.Swiftly followed by a lightning talk on Weinre by SimpleWeb's very own Adam Butler.
Web/mobile apps with YUI3 for jQuery Users - San Diego, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by HTML5 Developer Group
There are many frameworks for developing web applications, but more are incomplete, experimental or poorly documented.We're going to explain how to use it to create entire state of the art desktop style applications using off the shelf YUI3 (Yahoo User Interface) components.And we'll take a look at why and when you'd want to use YUI3 over jQuery.
WordPress Developers Kick-Off! - Branford, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by WordPress Developers New Haven
Hi All,Since we now have a few members lets get started.Based on the responses to the profile questions I thought a good topic to start with would be themes. There are many options when it comes to themes including the default 2011, free themes, premium themes, child-themes and a whole range of frameworks of varying complexity.Each has +/- and and requires different levels of prerequisite skill sets such as PHP, jQuery and graphic skills and others.
workshop.js - Atlanta, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The Atlanta JavaScript Meetup Group
Hello there! Are you a newbie or dabbler looking to be a serious Javascript developer? Then come to this workshop! This is an on-going monthly workshop - lasting between 9 months to a year. We will teach you not only the fundamentals of Javascript and the in and outs of frontend development, but also how to market yourself and contribute in the open source community.This time we will focus on debugging and what to do when things go wrong.
How To Learn New Web Technologies - , United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Web Development NYC
We are back in session with a perfect grass-root topic !In today's day-long workshop we will learn the skill of being able to learn and apply a new technology quickly. This in itself is a requirement in today's fast-paced and ever-changing web development landscape.We will explore the hot technologies of today such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, but also explorer how to navigate through the jungle of emerging technologies to find what you need.
jQuery Deferred Object API - New York, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by jQuery NYC
There is a really cool feature that jQuery has implemented that is called the Deferred Object. Once you start reading up on it, you'll come to jQuery's helpful page that helps you along in understanding it with the following:"One model for understanding Deferred is to think of it as a chain-aware function wrapper. Thedeferred.then(), deferred.done(), and deferred.fail() methods specify the functions to be called and the deferred.resolve(args) or deferred.reject(args) methods ?call?
May 2012 Meetup - Adobe Dreamweaver CS6.0 - , United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The London Dreamweaver Meetup Group
Bell & Compass is now called Cafe Rouge. Meetup at the entrance. Charing Cross Tube Station Exit 2.0.To buy Dreamweaver follow or click onto the next link ----- >>> Adobe Dreamweaver CS6Dreamweaver Salary Trend. Start 7pm - Meetup then walk up to StarBucksDrinks 7pm - till you know your limit. Starbuck strongest is Coffee black!Informal - 8pm - 8.30pm (small-talk) then openProposed small-talk:What's New in Dreamweaver CS6
West Palm: jQuery / HTML 5 Onramp - Rich Dudley, ComponentOne - #200, United States
happened 8 years ago
5/22/2012- 6:30 PM - PC Professor, West Palm Beach - If 50,000,000 Elvis fans can't be wrong, then 25,000,000 websites (and every single browser) are pretty close to a sure thing.
Májusi JavaScript meetup - Budapest, Hungary
happened 8 years ago
Organised by budapest.js - JavaScript Hungary Meetup
This meetup event is hungarian speaking.Nyári Zoltán, Molnár Gábor (SMARTFRONT): összetett többrétegü, rich js client üzleti alkalmazások fejlesztéseSaját keretrendszert alakítottunk ki a következö komponensekkel: jquery, knockout.js, LESS, RequireJS. Az alkalmazás több ablakos dokumentumkezelést tesz lehetövé, és igyekszik a vastagkliens felületek kényelmi funkcióit biztosítani.
workshop.js - Atlanta, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The Atlanta JavaScript Meetup Group
Hello there! Are you a newbie or dabbler looking to be a serious Javascript developer? Then come to this workshop! This is an on-going monthly workshop - lasting between 9 months to a year. We will teach you not only the fundamentals of Javascript and the in and outs of frontend development, but also how to market yourself and contribute in the open source community.For this session we are going to focus on Object Oriented Programming in Javascript.
JavaScript/JQuery: May section - , United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Girl Develop IT
Javascript is a language that all good web developers must know. Being around since the early 90s it's still the primary way to do client side web development. We will be covering basic Javascript, to the JQuery library, dynamic HTML, to JSON and APIs. Students will exit this class having a good grasp of basic programming principles and the knowledge of how to manipulate html elements.We suggest having a working knowledge of HTML as a pre-requisite for this course.
jQuery Debugging Like a Pro - New York, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by jQuery NYC
Tonight we will explore the beautiful art of debugging code. There is still a lot of magic that surrounds this topic. Most developers seem to cringe at the sound of "debugger" though it's possibly the one skill that will allow you to advance to become a rock star developer.The format for tonight's meetup will give everyone something to sink their teeth into, so we will work our way up progressively on the difficulty level.Come early to network with others interested in jQuery.
DevCon 5 HTML5 and Mobile App Developer Conference - Santa Clara, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Technology Marketing Corp. and Crossfire Media
DevCon5 is for web developers, designers, architects as well as technology leaders and business strategists. This event will focus on how to use HTML5 to create dynamic user experiences and create new mobile business models while exploiting the power of this new language.
Monthly Meeting - Chattanooga, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Chattanooga PHP Developers
Doors will open at 6:30pm; the presentation begins at 7:00pm.Hey Guys!This month's topic: jQuery MobileSee you Tuesday at Utiliflex at 7:00pm!
jQuery 201: Events and Ajax - Pleasant Hill, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by SF East Bay jQuery
jQuery can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. The course will cover more advanced jQuery concepts including: *Working with Event Handlers *Creating your own Events and Event namespaces *Working with forms, including validation *Using AJAX to make your pages responsive and interactive *AJAX Deferreds and Callbacks
A little Javascript workshop - Northampton, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Northampton Web Developers/ Web Designers Meetup Group
I think the "Javascript Workshop" will be a big monthly event (next one is May 3, to be announced shortly). If some people want to meet sooner, April 19 is an option - if at least 10 people sign up for this "little" meetup, I'll go ahead and host it.We'll probably spend 20 minutes to introduce ourselves and set an agenda, then break into groups (JQuery, html5, Node.js, beginners, etc) depending on what kind of people show up.
Ender.js and the microframework movement - Charlotte, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by CharlotteJS
Explore Ender.js and the microframework movement. Lighten that page load and break free from jQuery for a weekend.More information to come!
SharePoint and JQuery Essentials - Balt. SharePoint Meetup - Baltimore, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Baltimore SharePoint User's Group
Session: Essentials for using SharePoint & jQueryThursday: April 19th, 2012Speaker: Mark RackleyjQuery is the current "SharePoint Silver Bullet" promising to cure all your SharePoint ailments allowing customizations that at one point were unattainable without cracking open Visual Studio. But what is the real story with jQuery and SharePoint? How do you implement it with SharePoint? Should you implement it?
Javascript, jQuery, and NodeJS: Hacking Session ++ - Colorado Springs, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The Colorado Springs Web Design Professionals!
https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/extras/cswebprosWe're going to be working on the chat application and hopefully further the code base to get closer to having web based irc server.And also go over how to work on github and fix the master branch :)Chat app repository:https://github.com/CSNodejs/WebProsMeetupSince we've had this brouhaha in the community about semi-colons here is some good reading:https://github.com/rwldrn/idiomatic.js
Part 3 - Wordpress Hackathon - Evanston, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Chicago Web Professionals Meetup Group
A big thank you to Dave Rodman for his stellar presentation on jQuery basics in March!Our April meeting will be Wednesday, April 18, 7PM at coLab Evanston, 900 Chicago Ave., Suite 104, Evanston. If you have been participating in the Wordpress Hackathon, this is Part 3 of the 4 part process.
Promises - New York, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by NYC Node.JS
Node developers are well acquainted with callback hell, the tendency of any node program to become a rat's nest of callbacks calling callbacks, tedious error checks, and exceptions spinning off into the void. There are several popular ways to tame the mess, and one of the most elegant is the promise pattern (aka deferreds)
jQuery 101: The Basics - Pleasant Hill, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by SF East Bay jQuery
Learn the basics of the wildly popular jQuery JavaScript library. The class will cover everything you need to get started with jQuery, JavaScript best practices, and how to debug your code. The jQuery portion will cover: *Where to get the library from *How to include it on your pages *How to select elements on the page *How to traverse and manipulate page elements *Some utility/helper functions *Very brief intros to Ajax and Events.
Javascript, jQuery, and NodeJS: Hacking Session ++ - Colorado Springs, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The Colorado Springs Web Design Professionals!
All the libraries are taken on wednesday for like ever... we need a new place, any bright ideas? you can still join up on this google hangout.The lack of a meeting place kind of threw me off, so we're winging it with extra wing today.https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/extras/talk.google.com/CSNodeJS
LANUG April Meeting - Mobile, United States
happened 8 years ago
Having problems with a project at work? Need some advice/guidance? All those in attendance will try help to resolve your issues and to give advice/guidance. Also some of things to be discussed, maybe even presented, T4 Templates, JQuery AJAX, Styling with CSS, etc.
Mobile MVC Development with jQuery (Rachel Appel) - One University Place, United States
happened 8 years ago
Come see Rachel talk about Mobile Web development using ASP.NET MVC 4, HTML 5, and jQuery Mobile. I tried to get more info out of her, but I guess she wanted it to be an amazing surprise. Rachel currently works for Microsoft as a Sr. Developer Evangelist based in the NYC Metro area.
workshop.js - Atlanta, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The Atlanta JavaScript Meetup Group
Hello there! Are you a newbie or dabbler looking to be a serious Javascript developer? Then come to this workshop! This is an on-going monthly workshop - lasting 9 months. We will teach you not only the fundamentals of Javascript and the in and outs of frontend development, but also how to market yourself and contribute in the open source community.This month in "intermediate Javascript" we will talk about functions as closures, asynchronous programing, the event loop, and more.
Getting Started with JavaScript Libraries - Toronto, Canada
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Toronto HTML5 User Group
Hi Everyone,Our next Meetup session is happening on Thursday March 29, 2012 at 6:30PM.Location: University of Toronto, Medical Sciences Building*, Room 31631 King's College Circle, Toronto, ON*Note: For those taking the subway, get off at Queen’s Park Subway Station and use the exit that comes out at the northwest corner of Queen’s Park and College. Here there is a sidewalk that does not follow the road but rather goes northwest.
Building a Rich Web Experience with JQuery, Ajax, and .NET - San Francisco, United States
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The San Francisco .NET User Group
jQuery is the most common JavaScript library in use today, used to easily create interactive and rich websites, and is included when creating a new web project in Visual Studio. This session will cover the basics of jQuery, expanding on more detailed topics and will include how to add, select, traverse, and modify elements on a web page.
#SNOWCODE 2012 ( Node.JS and Javascript un/conference) 18th March 2012 - Cambridge, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by snowcode
SnowCode has moved to www.Camdug.com, and is now an official CAMDUG event : SnowCode 2012 is now officially open for booking! please visit Camdug.com for more information about this conference, the venue and to book.keep chilling!cheers,Alan and Cathy
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