ColdFusion Training & Events
Adobe's Plans for Devices - Flash Player 10.1 and AIR 2.0 - Portland, United States
happened 10 years ago
We all know Flash isn't going to be allowed on the iPhone. Adobe has moved on and still has big plans for Flash and AIR on mobile devices starting with Android. The next version of Android will ship with Flash support and early previews of the technology look great. Adobe AIR is also ready to go as a platform for Android development. Come hear, and see demos, about the latest technology Adobe's provides for developing your applications targeted for devices. The upcoming Flash Player 10.
Dallas TechFest - Richardson, United States
happened 10 years ago
Dallas TechFest is back and will be occuring at the University of Texas at Dallas this year! Look forward to another day of phenomenal education by some of the best speakers from around. As in years past we will be having sessions on a wide variety of technologies including:•Microsoft .NET
"Simple MVC with FW/1", with Daria Norris - Online Meeting, United States
happened 10 years ago
Organised by The Online ColdFusion Meetup
Our 12pm (US ET) talk on Thursday Mar 3 will be "Simple MVC with FW/1", with Daria Norris.TOPIC DESCRIPTION: (provided by the speaker)We hear a lot about Model View Controller (MVC) and how we should use it in our applications, but how do you apply this practically in your code? Framework One provides a simple way to use MVC without overwhelming you with features you don't know how to implement.
FREE ColdFusion, ColdFusion Builder and ColdBox Framework Crash Course Training - Tampa, United States
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Central Florida Web Developers User Group
The Central Florida Web Developers User Group presents a Free ColdFusion, ColdFusion Builder and ColdBox Framework Crash Training Bring Your Own Laptop Lab on Saturday, May 8th 2010 at 10:00 AM.Join the Central Florida Web Developers User Group in a day of free training covering the building of a enterprise-quality application using ColdFusion (CFML/CFScript), ColdFusion Builder, mySQL and the ColdBox Framework.A brief agenda
Flex Camp London 28/08/08 - London , United Kingdom
happened 12 years ago
Organised by Academy Class
Flex Camp London 08 is a FREE, community-run event for everyone interested in Adobe Flex! Whether you're just getting started with Flex or you're an expert, Flex Camp aims to provide something for you.
Developer Day Scotland - Glasgow, United Kingdom
happened 12 years ago
Organised by Developer Day Scotland
Developer Day Scotland is a community event, run by community for community, which is based upon the highly successful Developer! Developer! Developer! community conference events.
"Security: Hiding Info. from Individuals Not Authorized To See It" w/ Jim Harris - Online Meeting, United States
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The Online ColdFusion Meetup
Our 12pm (US ET) talk on Thursday Mar 17 will be "Security: Hiding Information from Individuals Not Authorized To See It", with Jim Harris.TOPIC DESCRIPTION: (provided by the speaker)During this session you will see how to restrict search results and hide records based on the security or authorization level of the people using your application(s). The method is simple to implement and very user friendly.MEETING URL: | | | | | : Approx. 1 hourMeeting will be recorded.
"A Gentle Introduction to HTML5"", with Raymond Camden - Online Meeting, United States
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The Online ColdFusion Meetup
Our 12pm (US ET) talk on Thursday Apr 7 will be "A Gentle Introduction to HTML5"", with Raymond Camden.TOPIC DESCRIPTION: (provided by the speaker)This presentation is an exploration of various HTML5 (andHTML5-related) features. Topics such as forms, local storage, and geolocation will be covered. The primary focus is on HTML (obviously) and some JavaScript features. This is a high level introductory session but with plenty of code we can use to play with per audience suggestions.
"Introduction to jQuery Mobile", with Raymond Camden - Online Meeting, United States
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The Online ColdFusion Meetup
Our 12pm (US ET) talk on Thursday Apr 28 will be part one of a 2 in the day from different speakers but both on JQuery Mobile. First up at noon will be "Introduction to jQuery Mobile", with Raymond Camden. At 6 Andy Matthews will offer a follow-up talk (details in its separate announcement).TOPIC DESCRIPTION: (provided by the speaker)
"NoSQL? No Problem", with Peter Bell - Online Meeting, United States
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The Online ColdFusion Meetup
Our 6pm (US ET) talk on Thursday Apr 7 will be "NoSQL? No Problem", with Peter Bell.TOPIC DESCRIPTION: (provided by the speaker)You don't need to be Amazon or Google to take advantage of NoSQL data stores. Whether you want to develop applications more quickly or scale them more effectively, there are a range of NoSQL data stores that could help. This introductory session cuts through the NoSQL hype to look at the practical use cases for key value, document, column and graph data stores.
Bullet Proofing Flex Components with Jeffry Houser -, United States
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Atlanta Flex & Actionscript Coders Meetup
ABOUT THE SESSIONWhen you build components for your own Flex applications, you are working in a controlled environment and can make a lot of assumptions about how your component will be used. However, if you want to release components out into the wild for others to use? It is inevitable that folks will use your component in ways you didn't consider; and they're going to blame you if it doesn't work.
ColdFusion FW/1 - The Invisible Framework - San Francisco, United States
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Bay Area ColdFusion User Group
Technical Level: Intermediate to AdvancedSean Corfield, former BACUFUG manager, frequent ColdFusion speaker and occasional curmudgeon will speak on Framework One. You can read more about Sean at has always been about simplicity and "getting stuff done". I created Framework One (FW/1) in that same spirit: with just one file and some simple conventions, you won't even notice you're using it!
"Practical ColdFusion Security", with Justin McLean - Online Meeting, United States
happened 10 years ago
Organised by The Online ColdFusion Meetup
Our 12pm (US ET) talk on Thursday Feb 24 will be "Practical ColdFusion Security", with Justin McLean.TOPIC DESCRIPTION: (provided by the speaker)Securing an application is far more than just password protection and stopping SQL injection attacks. Taking a real project this session will delve into the system’s architecture, closely examine the security and privacy issues and show what features were implemented and how that was determined via risk analysis.
"Requirements and Estimating ", with Peter Bell - Online Meeting, United States
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The Online ColdFusion Meetup
Our 6pm (US ET) talk on Thursday Mar 17 will be "Requirements and Estimating ", with Peter Bell.TOPIC DESCRIPTION: (provided by the speaker)"What will it cost?" "When will it be done?". Unfortunately, almost a decade after the agile manifesto was written, these are still questions we have to answer on a regular basis.
Tampa: Open Source ColdFusion Project: Hoth - Tampa, United States
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Central Florida Web Developers User Group
Join us tomorrow at 6:30pm!How many errors are happening in your Web application?If you answer "not many" you may not know enough about what is happening with your application. I love building Web applications--specifically, I build applications that deliver a great experience and quality service. In the game I play even a single error is one error to many.
"Migrating Existing Applications to ColdFusion on Wheels", with Chris Peters - Online Meeting, United States
happened 10 years ago
Organised by The Online ColdFusion Meetup
Our 6pm (US ET) talk on Thursday Feb 10 will be "Migrating Existing Applications to ColdFusion on Wheels", with Chris Peters.TOPIC DESCRIPTION: (provided by the speaker)You're interested in ColdFusion on Wheels, but you have one big word in your vocabulary: legacy. You have a gigantic CFML application that would make the Flying Spaghetti Monster envious of its spaghetti-tasticness.
"JavaScript Fundamentals for ColdFusion Developers", with Ryan Anklam - Alpharetta, United States
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The Online ColdFusion Meetup
Our 12pm (US ET) talk on Thursday September 15 will be "JavaScript Fundamentals for ColdFusion Developers", with Ryan Anklam.TOPIC DESCRIPTION: (provided by the speaker)JavaScript is one of the fastest growing and most popular programming languages right now. In todays web and mobile centric development landscape JavaScript is a powerful tool for any developer to know.
Andrew Powell on How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love UX - Atlanta, United States
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Atlanta Flex User Group
Come on out this month to hear Atlanta's own Andrew Powell talk on "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love UX"Andrew Powell has been architecting and developing web applications for over 10 years using ColdFusion, Flex, AJAX, and Java. His background includes experience running IT Departments for firms in the executive search and aviation consulting fields. Currently, Andrew is a Principal Architect at Universal Mind specializing in ColdFusion, Java, & Flex.
Special ColdFusion Builder Event - San Francisco, United States
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Bay Area ColdFusion User Group
This meeting will focus on the release of ColdFusion Builder. The advantage of having our meeting a month after the release, we all have time to dig in and share what we've found in ColdFusion Builder.This meeting will be more "show and tell" among attendees. We can also broaden the discussion to include other IDE's. Why you will or won't be switching to Builder.I've got a slide deck and demos from Adobe I can show off, but would love your participation.
Orlando: HTML5 Love + A Web Skunkworks Project - Orlando, United States
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Central Florida Web Developers User Group
Now in Tampa and Orlando!The Central Florida Web Developers User Group is now meeting in both Tampa and Orlando Florida!Join us on the... *...first Tuesday of each month in Tampa. *...last Tuesday of each month in Orlando.We kick off our first Orlando, FL meeting with two presentations: 1. HTML5 Love and the Future of the Web 2. A Web Skunkworks ProjectPresentation #1: HTML5 Love and the Future of the WebPresented by James Brown
"Introducing Hoth: ColdFusion Error Tracking and Reporting", Aaron Greenlee - Online Meeting, United States
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The Online ColdFusion Meetup
Our 12pm (US ET) talk on Thursday Apr 21 will be "Introducing Hoth: ColdFusion Error Tracking and Reporting", with Aaron Greenlee.TOPIC DESCRIPTION: (provided by the speaker)This presentation will review the basics of how Hoth works and outline instructions for setting up Hoth with your existing or new projects.
"OAuth: demystified (hopefully)", with Matt Gifford (rescheduled) - Online Meeting, United States
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The Online ColdFusion Meetup
Our 12pm (US ET) talk on Thursday Jun 9 will be "OAuth: demystified (hopefully)", with Matt Gifford. We had technical difficulties during his April 14 presentation, so this is a rescheduling.TOPIC DESCRIPTION: (provided by the speaker)Since it's conception in 2006/7, the Open Authorization access protocol was geared towards providing a detailed, uniform method of granting access permissions for API providers and consumers alike.
IMERG Indy August Meetup - Indianapolis, United States
happened 11 years ago
Organised by IMERG Indy
This meeting will be an opportunity for developers and designers to get together and network, learn more about what's going on in the tech industry and to have fun eating good food and getting to know one another. As usual, we will be giving away some great Adobe swag. Please be sure to RSVP well before the event so we can make appropriate reservations and keep in mind that you will need to cover the cost of any food or drink you consume.
Advanced jQuery Templates Applied Practically (take 2) - Boston, United States
happened 10 years ago
Organised by The jQuery Boston Meetup Group
In this presentation, Tim Branyen will discuss the advantages and disadvantages to using client side templates, single page apps/sites, and how to improve your site/app performance by properly caching partial templates and utilizing fallbacks to serve a broad scope of devices and situations. The concept of progressive enhancement will be explored with some of the many new features of HTML5 to provide the ultimate experience for the user and the most minimal resources impact for the server.
"What's New in CFWheels 1.1", with Chris Peters - Online Meeting, United States
happened 10 years ago
Organised by The Online ColdFusion Meetup
Our 6pm (US ET) talk on Thursday Mar 10 will be "What's New in CFWheels 1.1", with Chris Peters.TOPIC DESCRIPTION: (provided by the speaker)Make your life as a ColdFusion developer easier using new features added in ColdFusion on Wheels version 1.1. Learn how to save time with nested properties, automatic validations, dependency handling, provides, and nested layouts. This will be a minimal-slides presentation with live demos of the new features.MEETING URL: | | | | | : Approx.
"Security: Wash Your Incoming Data using ColdFusion", with Jim Harris - Online Meeting, United States
happened 10 years ago
Organised by The Online ColdFusion Meetup
Our 12pm (US ET) talk on Thursday Mar 10 will be "Security: Wash Your Incoming Data using ColdFusion", with Jim Harris.TOPIC DESCRIPTION: (provided by the speaker)During this session you will see a code set that examines incoming data for specific commands hackers use to plant malicious code and how to strip those commands. The demonstration will also show you a method by which you can quickly safeguard against new hack commands without distributing new templates.
"No nonsense RESTful ColdFusion Web Services, with Taffy", with Adam Tuttle - Online Meeting, United States
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The Online ColdFusion Meetup
Our 6pm (US ET) talk on Thursday Mar 31 will be "No nonsense RESTful ColdFusion Web Services, with Taffy", with Adam Tuttle.TOPIC DESCRIPTION: (provided by the speaker)SOAP is a lie: It's not simple, it's not object-oriented, and it's not a protocol; all it does is give you access to things. On the other hand, REST, put simply, is everything that SOAP wishes it were.
February 2011 Austin Flash Meetup: Flash Builder and Illustrator Presentations - Austin, United States
happened 10 years ago
Organised by The Austin Flash Meetup Group
Come join our February 2011 Flash Meetup at the Design Center of Austin.Learn how to Power your Flex App with ColdFusion or PHP presented by special guest speakers Daniel Short and Keith Casey.Watch two guys make fun of each other while they hook up a Flex front end to both ColdFusion and PHP. See the differences in how both ColdFusion and PHP make hooking your data up to Flex ridiculously easy.Our second presentation is for you designers.
JQuery and AIR/ColdFusion Apps - San Francisco, United States
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Bay Area ColdFusion User Group
Andy Matthews (...) is presenting on building AJAX/ColdFusion powered AIR applications. He'll spend 45 - 50 min covering JQuery basics. The second half of the meeting will cover what you can do with AJAX and ColdFusion in an AIR desktop application.I saw Andy present at cfObjective last year and he did a great job on this topic.Agenda6:30pm - 7:15pm JQuery Basics7:15pm - 7:30pm Break (Book raffle)7:30pm - 8:15pm JQuery, AIR and ColdFusion
Building Mobile apps with JQTouch - San Francisco, United States
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Bay Area ColdFusion User Group
JQTouch is an extension for JQuery that allows you to quickly build iPhone applications with HTML/CSS/JavaScript that include animations and touch events. No Objective-C required. When you are done, you can use PhoneGap to compile your application and submit it to the AppStore.Sid Maestre will do an introduction to JQTouch mobile applications and how you can power your apps with ColdFusion. A set of files will be provided. BYOL (Bring Your Own Laptop) if you want to code along.
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